Electric yachts - the future?

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Peter T
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Re: Electric yachts - the future?

Post by Peter T »

Spot on David.
Regards Peter T
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Re: Electric yachts - the future?

Post by Andrew »

Range, available horse-power and cost of electric seem to be the deciding factors for me at least.

With the world trying to get to net zero emissions by 2050, then there could be a big swing towards electric (and hydrogen) ,maybe the electric wheelchairs or robot walking frames will be good by then, Haha. :)

Probably never afford a Tesla, but did go for a ride in one once, It had insane acceleration, (like a jet aircraft?!) they have supercar performance, so on that basis they are cost competitive with petrol supercars, seen vids of them drag racing and beating muscle cars, they probably can out perform even a Million buck McClaren.

Also drove a Nissan leaf once, was surprised with its acceleration in power mode, but they are for limited range commuting under 100km (still need a 2nd petrol car for long trips, that's what the owners of the Leaf i drove eventually did, even greenies have to be practical)

For TS's would a "Torqueedo" be the best electric outboard out there?? (sorry Greg i cant open or copy your link..)

David you are pre-adapted for the collapse of the globalised world with a farm on an Island with a huge moat, and the horses and carts, solar power and a sailboat! :D

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Re: Electric yachts - the future?

Post by Peter T »

Oh David, BEHAVE ! You will have them all heading down here and then it will be just like it is up there !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
But, then again, so long as they bring an Investigator, I suppose they could come. Think about that, more Investigators in Tassie than anywhere else in Aus. Then everyone could use my boat lift. Ha ha
Regards Peter T
" Sail-La-Vie," # 114

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Re: Electric yachts - the future?

Post by Peter T »

:lol: :) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :evil: :evil:
Regards Peter T
" Sail-La-Vie," # 114

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Re: Electric yachts - the future?

Post by Topaz Bill »

I'VE DONE IT, after stuffing up my password and nearly driving Geoff nuts, I'm back. Thanks Peter and David for your much appreciated offers for when next I'm,in Tassie. The sad news for you guys is I'm not sure you actually exist any more. I distinctly remember the uniform of the Commonwealth Games in 2014, and there is NO TASMANIA on the map of Australia, so sad 😂.
Keep up the posts, I'm off to WA next week to drive the daughter nuts, I've got a whole year of lectures ready, you're the only ones that appreciate my wisdom and sage advice, everyone else thinks I'm just a silly old b******d.

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Re: Electric yachts - the future?

Post by Andrew »

Probably correct David and Peter, there shouldn't be an immediate invasion of Tassy from Qld 😄 perhaps just a short summer raid or two

Plenty of sunshine for solar panels to have a decent output up here 300 days of the year. Having said that, its a totally cloudy rainy day today. Probably less than about 10% totally cloudy days per year, mostly in Jan-Feb, so these days wouldn't be a good time for extended electric motor cruising (unless a small ?1kva petrol genset was aboard...this could solve the range problem, seen a 30fter called "Bianca" use this to recharge a Thoosa 9000 battery bank on long river hauls, i think his was a honda 2kva. See http://biankablog.blogspot.com/2008/05/ ... ctric.html
Last edited by Andrew on Thu Jan 05, 2023 7:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Electric yachts - the future?

Post by Andrew »

Sounds like the weather David, good to hear your electrical and electronics systems are up and running.

While browsing came across a trolling motor that could be mounted off the petrol outboards leg. But in this case, its prop was above the main prop on a planning hull. Perhaps a trolling motor could be added with a small light transom bracket, In addition to main motor. Just used for quiet docking or around anchorages at <2 kts. Main motor for long distance motor cruising.

Read Trolling motors of under 55lbs thrust just need 12v. Over that then 2 batts 24v needed, and for the biggest trolling motors 3 batts 36v required.

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Re: Electric yachts - the future?

Post by Andrew »

Reckon Investigators would need something like a Torqueedo travel 1003 (3hp equivalent). Agree David, the trolling motors probably dont have enough power to go over about 2 kts..

Some yachts have forklift motors fitted (and controllers?) which are cheap compared to the electric marine motors.In their favor, they have no gearboxes, just a pulley 2:1 reduction and very few moving parts.

One thing ive noticed, its very hard to find a secondhand electric marine motor. Once installed they seem to stay there.

Electric is very dependent on certain types of boat usage. For Teria, will be sticking to the Tohatsu for the foreseeable future, as it covers every possible situation out there.

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Re: Electric yachts - the future?

Post by Ozzie »

Agree Andrew. I’ll keep s schlepping the Mariner about

The beauty of an electric rig is enticing but so was a jet pack 70 years ago . Stilll not available at Aldi :shock: .

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-02-25/ ... g/13178910

“Cars of the future: The hype, the high hopes, and the sobering reality.”
This article on today’s ABC web site talks to the issues I’ve raised earlier.

Without getting political. The multiple windows of politics, lobbying, big business and market forces will have to align before the electric vehicles and following on the electric boat come to prominence. As a road designer I’ve always had doubts about autonomous cars based on our current road infrastructure. It’s addressed in part in this article.

To draw a parallel. There were various attempts to get rid of small change over the last 20 years . My mate , an IT guy and early adopter of tech bought one “change card “ and the local newsagency put in a reader. It rarely worked and nobody (except my mate) bought cards. SO , they took it out . He now has a antique “change card” with forty odd bucks on it that’s just an IT museum piece.

I’m sorry if I’m sounding like a cynic, but being a public servant for 42 years can do that to you :o
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Re: Electric yachts - the future?

Post by Ozzie »

On the bright side we probably are close to the tech to make a 6 hp water cooled four stroke sail drive outboard......that only weighs 9 kg. Now I’d queue up for that one ;)

Emrys, thanks for posting this thread :D it’s created a lot of interesting discussion and points of view as such threads often do. 50 posts and 778 views. Next some clown will post about dinky Navy Tug boats :lol: :lol: 8-)
Investigator #143 "SPRITZIG II"

The Mariner - “It’s too strange here. It doesn’t move right." ...
Enola - “Helen said that it’s only land sickness."
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