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Mainsail issues

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 12:30 pm
by neilmac
hi everyone

I'm having problems hauling up the mainsail. Looking at pics of other Investigators i notice that other people seem to get their sail right to the top of the mast. Mine get's "stuck" maybe 25 cm short of the top and no amount of effort will make it go further. I recently noticed that their is a cable inside the top of the mast (probably for a light at some time). I also noticed a large knot that connected the tail of the halyard to the wire halyard. I replaced this halyard with some spectra rope which seemed to work better when tested on the horizontal but was still not right when sailing.

So. Am I correct in assuming that you should be able to haul up your mainsail to the top of the mast? Should it be easy? And. is this what you should aim to do?

Re: Mainsail issues

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 6:08 pm
by Steve
Tie a rope to your main halyard shackle and hoist it up. See if you can get your halyard shackle right to the the top. Doing this will determine whether it is a rigging problem or sail problem. Also be sure to point into the wind hoisting the main, my sail wont get to the top if Im not into the wind. A bit of silicone spray in the sail track helps but it wont stop the sail slugs from jamming if the sail is not in line with the track when hoisting.

Re: Mainsail issues

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 6:36 am
by geoffr
Hi Neil:

I likewise replaced my cable halyards with polyester lines some years back and both mainsail and jib hoist much more freely now, without any chance of the 'interface' between line and steel cable jamming in the mast (or rattling like crazy, annoying all and sundry).

My main pulls right to the top if I wish it too (by setting the boom too high on the mast). I have slugs rather than the older rope edge, and they work very well. I too have to come to wind to hoist right up, or else employ a handle in the winch.

Cheers, Geoff

Re: Mainsail issues

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 8:30 am
by neilmac
Hi Guys
The halyard does go all the way to the top so I suspect it is a sail problem. When hauling up the sail (into the wind) it goes up OK for the most part and then seems to get stuck near the top leaving a "bulge" at the tack/foot of the mast and no amount of effort will get it any further. The sail has a rope edge. I will do some tests in the backyard (on a still day) to see if I can see what is happening.

By the way I've looked at as many pics that I can find and have noticed that people do have the sail about 25 mm short of the top. I usually have the boom in the lowest part of the boom track (which may be different to other boats as it's around 30cm long with 15 slots?). Is their an optimum position or does this just allow for different sail sizes and you just need to get the luff tight?

Re: Mainsail issues

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 4:51 pm
by geoffr
Hi again Neil:

Forgive this really obvious question, but have you actually measured the luff edge of your mainsail to ensure it is, in fact, compliant with the recommended length for an Investigator?

I only ask because I've just had a new mainsail made to the exact recommended luff length, and with the peak almost at the mast top, the boom sits well above the cabin-top; high enough indeed so that I could sail with the pop top up if I wanted to (which is what the boats designed to do if you so choose).

Worth getting the tape measure out I suggest!

Cheers, Geoff

Re: Mainsail issues

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 7:40 pm
by Steve
If your measurements check out ok, I would spray the bolt rope on the luff with a silicone type spray as you hoist it. Be sure to check out the bolt rope at the track entry at the point where it gets stuck and jams,.
I have another boat with a foil on the forestay, I had to lube the bolt rope on a couple of sails as there was no way those sails would get to the top. It felt like something was going to break trying, then a quick spray and worked up and down a few times and the problem was solved.

Re: Mainsail issues

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 8:27 pm
by no way
By your last comments about gooseneck position on the mast track I would say you have no problems.
With boom about 50mm from top of track my main goes to the top. Boom will then bounce down about 100-150mm. If you choose not to bounce the boom down much you can fit a cunningham eye adjustment set up to get luff tension

Re: Mainsail issues

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 7:31 pm
by geoffr
Hi again:

When I was out sailing recently and raising the mainsail for the first time that day, I strangely had the same issue as Neil described: the bloody mainsail just would not go to the top of the mast. This was the first time this had happened, and it had me stumped.

Then (with red face) I soon realised I had the mainsheet cleated on the traveller to stop the boom from swinging about while I was hoisting. Sure enough, as soon as I loosened the main cleat, the boom popped up and I could easily raise the mainsail the rest of the way. Ditto the vang.

Having said all that, the Investigator Association notes mention two measurements on the mast that the mainsail should sit between, and the higher one is (from memory) about 30cm from the top. I have marked them on my mast with black plastic electrical tape. I guess it indicates there is no strict reason for a mainsail to extend much above that top mark.

Food for thought.

Cheers, Geoff

Re: Mainsail issues

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 9:06 am
by snoopebj
Hi Neil
Not sure how close to the mast top the main should go I gauge it by the boom clearance over the pop top and bimini. I find I can sail with these up in lighter winds handy in the rain(pop top cover on).
Big W sells silicone spray at good price for the luff bolt rope.

Re: Mainsail issues

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 6:42 am
by Mark

Reading this thread with interest because I have had the same issue since I bought Aminee almost 4 yr ago. It has caused lots of comment from my sailing mates. However I have come to the conclusion that it is ok and seems to make no difference to sailing performance. I originally thought it was due to wire-rope hybrid halyard setup and replaced with spectra but no difference. I basically have given up worrying about it.

