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Nice to be back

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:03 pm
by LarryW
Hi All,
Larry in Victoria Point here. It has been a long time. My wonderful boat (kind of unnamed at this time) was kept clean, but that was about all. Now it is getting some attention and should be sail worthy in a month or so.
A lot of things came up to prevent my sailing. Friends were constantly telling me to sell the boat. It was awful to see it sitting sadly in the front yard, and I was tempted to sell it twice, but I couldn't do it.
Sailing was like the holy grail. Always out of reach, but always sought after.
Well most of the things that kept me away from the boat have been remedied. I have been lurking on the board for the past week. There surely has been a heap of quality post.

I don't know Clayton, but I thank him for getting it together. I thank Ian for his wealth of knowledge and his fine job of adminstrator.

Looking forward to being an active member

Larry W

Re: Nice to be back

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:57 pm
by Yara50
Great to see you back on board. I know the feeling when so many things get in the way of sailing. However the boat serves a useful purpose in providing a mental escape.

Re: Nice to be back

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:02 pm
by LarryW
Hi Ian,

Guess Jimmy Buffett said it well in his song, Mental Floss.


Re: Nice to be back

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:15 pm
by geoffr
Hi Larry:

Welcome back too! I'm a new poster here, having bought my Investigator last November and been working on it most weekends since. It's almost ready for a dip - probably November I think, just in time for the warm weather.

You can see some of my restoration work in the technical post area. I've done quite a bit since, including re-bolting some new wooden handrails back onto the cabin top yesterday. I think the brightwork is part of the charm of this boat, but the previous owner just painted them a dull maroon colour!

Anyway, I'll post some more pics soon. Please keep us up to speed with your own adventures.


Re: Nice to be back

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 5:14 pm
by LarryW
Hi Geoff,
Thanks for the welcome. I have had a look at some of your post. Your refurbishing is really going well. I'm am saving the pages and pictures for future reference. Sharing ideas is one of the wonderful things about a forum like this. My work is small time compared to what a lot of the board members are doing. I'm figuring on getting the boat together, getting some nice sailing in and undertake some improvements next winter.

Looking forward to watching your progress and and adding some value to our Investigator 563 forum.
