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Places not to use standard WD40

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 2:59 pm
by Ozzie ... 40-5891936

Hey FYI above for anybody interested.

I was attending to a stalled range hood motor at my daughters and all she had was isopropyl alcohol. This started me on research which indicated the contact cleaner which I only have at home is partly that, so it’s an appropriate substitute. This lead me to checking all the information that came up. There are lots of sites saying 1000 uses for WD40 but not many saying where not to use it. This is particularly problematic with outboards. If you spray under your cowl after flushing which I usually manage, attempt not the get it in your pull start mechanism.

At home I have the top shelf of my can cabinet having WD40, lanotec, contact cleaner, white lithium and I think silicon spray or something similar. Usually after displacing water with WD40 you need to lube with something else depending on the situation. Although WD is good it can stuff things up if it cleans away the correct lubricant. Also found spray lithium grease can be used as dielectric grease from what I can see. I use Vaseline as a substitute mainly.

Anyone have any other lubricant or antiWD tips relevant to Investigators and boating??

Well, there’s a coincidence... lithium, silicon and lock lube all on Aldi special buys today @ $7 that $2 cheaper than the green shed. I better restock.