Music and sound systems afloat

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Music and sound systems afloat

Post by Andrew »

So true Emrys. Some of our longer posts on here are hijacked threads. :lol:

Yes, blues were born from tragedy but they can be happy. This was a another song from Bad Bax’s set list.

Quite happy blues , the singer is even smiling :) Bass player in this band is awesome. Always comes up with something slightly different in their stuff. I’ve always loved playing blues in bands, particularly blues bass but funnily enough I’ve always considered blues playing slightly self indulgent. Band enjoying it more than the audience. Never been to a blues festival, I don’t think I could listen to three days of blues without going nuts. :lol: Or worse than I am. I played in generic Newcastle pub bands . Good mix of blues, rock and country. And just enough jazz to pretend we could play it (Van Morrison) The fact it sent me deaf is probably why I love the peace and quiet of sailing so much ........see, there was a boating connection here :P

PS I’ve sent you a PM musical links I promise!
. Ozzies post with this top notch Blues band - "Bondi cigar" got me motivated to upgrade the music system on the boat..

At the moment Teria's got streamed music on smartphone and a small FM radio. Good music can make a long sail more rewarding. Once i sailed out of NZ as crew on a Farr 38ft running before strong southerlies towards Fiji. "Snowbird" was equipped with a good car stereo with headphones at the helm. Surfing down 10 foot waves at 15 knots on a moonlit sea while listening to Alan Parsons project on the exy headphones was an experience never to be forgotten, :D (Wont be out in those conditions in the Investigator but some good tunes certainly don't go astray.)

Any ideas on sound systems and good songs appreciated.

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Re: Music and sound systems afloat

Post by Peter T »

David, you never cease to impress me. I play a bit myself. Unbelievable what we have in common mate.
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Re: Music and sound systems afloat

Post by Raya »

I like to listen to Calm by Peter Wild.

Ironic that the boat in Calm is called Restless
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Re: Music and sound systems afloat

Post by Andrew »

An Investigator featuring in a music video, thats a great find Ray.

David, years ago heard that Jimmy Buffet was a favorite among the US cruising yacht community. Certainly a mellow sound for sailing.

Trying out spotify to stream music on my phone. ( Its far better than u tube music which inserts adds after every song and wont play in the background while other apps are in use) lucky to have a device tutor st home.

Next step into 21st century is a $50 ish small portable bluetooth speaker..
The good marine bluetooth stereos are upwards of $200,

Spotifys search engine can easily dig up any favorite Artist from the young days. Get to hear many new tracks and albums, its amazing. A la google. Music from the younger days virtually takes you back there.

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Re: Music and sound systems afloat

Post by Geoff »

Hi Andrew,

A smartphone, spotify account and a Bluetooth speaker makes any other set up obsolete for me. The Bluetooth speaker I use on the boat I got on special for $80 but it is waterproof, you can supposedly drop it into a bucket of water. Haven't tested that, but have left it in the rain in the yard at backyard bbq, volume and sound quality is unbelievable.

I also recently bought some cheap Bluetooth earpods for about $25. I can put them in on the boat and listen to my playlists and no one else can be disturbed by it. And it doesn't cut out ambient noise and make things dangerous.

One tip that your inhouse IT specialist may have already told you - when you set up your playlists, tap the download button for each one while you are on wifi. That loads it onto your phone, so it works even when you lose internet. I get no internet out on the lake but can still listen whenever I want, plus on the road too.
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