Foam fingers for mast raising

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Foam fingers for mast raising

Post by Ozzie » ... k_p3321696

When putting up my mast yesterday in the drive to check all my running rigging I took these pics for anybody new who might be interested. I came across these in an NZ yachting mag when I was over there years ago. The above link in the closest thing I’ve found here

They are long soft foam ties, the above ones marketed for garden use. But they are IMHO invaluable for mast raising. The oft repeated issues with MR is that stays, shrouds and shoelaces always get caught on everything from mast props to pop top edging and always at the most In opportune moment.

So. STEP 1 wrap ties around solid objects that are clear of catch points
STEP 2 sort your rigging into clear spaces and fold the foam fingers over to hold them there
When you raise the mast as the rigging pulls up and tensions it pulls out of the tie without snagging on stuff. It’s like having multiple helpers you don’t have to yell at :shock:

As they are on the boat you can deploy them to hold all manner of temp stuff. I put a mate who club races into them and he used them for deployment of his spinnaker somehow. I use them to hold my boat hook coming into a mooringso I can grab it quickly and hold my anchor rope on the toe railing I want to deploy the anchor from the cockpit while the line in tied around the front bollard when solo.

I take no credit for this. Came from Yachting NZ magazine article
Investigator #143 "SPRITZIG II"

The Mariner - “It’s too strange here. It doesn’t move right." ...
Enola - “Helen said that it’s only land sickness."
Waterworld (1995)
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